La Rubia, acrylics on canvas, 36x36 in

In an intriguing historical twist, the emblematic Yerba mate from the renowned band La Rubia becomes a symbolic thread connecting two distinct narratives. As we delve into the annals of « history », the a triple Alliance Battle of Paraguay emerges, a fierce conflict pitting Paraguay against three neighbouring nations, making the guarani nation lose lots of land and 90% of the country’s population. Interestingly, it is whispered that England, a distant overseer, held certain wariness towards Yerba mate, perceiving it as potent stimulant akin to tea. This curious aversion MAY have intertwined with their geopolitical calculations, contributing to a more than nuanced layer in the complex web of international dynamics during that time.


m u r c i e l a g o p a r a g u a y i t o


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